iBATIS for Ruby
Jon TrisenさんによるiBatisのRubyへのporting.
(August 25, 2005) It's official. iBATIS is no longer a simple tool or framework. It is a genuine approach to integrating object oriented applications and relational databases. We could have said that when the .NET version was released, but now we MUST say it. We're very excited to be merging with a project headed up by Jon Tirsen, a friend of mine and a fellow ThoughtWorker. He's ported and innovated iBATIS for the Ruby language, which we're all very excited about. In the next few weeks we'll be integrating iBATIS for Ruby into our infrastructure, and of course, Jon will become one of our valuable team members.
# iBatisは仕事でも結構使っているから、portingされるのは嬉しいなぁ.