

1. Agile Web Development with Rails by Dave Thomas(Pragmatic Programmers) and others, released August 2005. (Beta copies in PDF form were previously available).
2. Web-Entwicklung mit Ruby on Rails is currently being written by Ralf Wirdemann and Thomas Baustert (see this note in the weblog)
3. Pragmatic Rails Recipes: A Guide to Elegant Web Development by Marcel Molina (noradio) and Scott Barron (htonl). It’s due around October. (read Scott’s announcement)
4. Ruby on Rails: Up and Running by Bruce Tate (Better, Faster, Lighter Java) and David Geary (author of Core Java Server Faces, Core JSTL, and more), to be published in March from O’Reilly.
5. Programming Rails: Web Development with Ruby by Robby Russell (Planet Argon). announced that he will be writing a Rails book for O’Reilly.

Pragmatic Rails Recipesは興味があるな。